ScienceAbroad, the Organization of Israeli Scientists Abroad and Rhode Island-Israel Collaborative (
ScienceAbroad, the Organization of Israeli Scientists Abroad and Rhode Island-Israel Collaborative (RIIC) announce they have opened a...

Krav Maga in Providence come and learn.
#KravMaga #Providence #Israel

Rhode Island Business Mission to Israel December 2016 Announced
RE: BUSINESS MISSION TO ISRAEL The Rhode Island Business Mission to Israel December 2-9, 2016 was announced at the World Trade Day event,...

Passover Greeting we received from Congressman Jim Langevin to Israelis in Rhode Island
Friends – As a Rhode Island Congressman and a longtime friend to Israel, I wish you a joyous Passover with your loved ones, and I hope...

Talia Ringer, Israeli Rhode Islander, received a National Science Foundation award which had 17,000
We are proud to announce that Talia Ringer, daughter of Providence, RI residents and Israeli citizens, Robin & Yoram Ringer, has been...

Elan Cohen born in Israel, living in Rhode Island connecting both
Interview With Elan Cohen 2/17 “My whole life I have been travelling back and forth between Israel and Rhode Island. I think I am most...

Israelis playing football; wonderful program funded by Bob Kraft, heartwarming to all Israelis and P
See article in the Providence Journal to all the Israelis. The Patriots are a New England team and their Foxboro stadium is 25 minutes...

We are on Facebook
We are on Facebook! We are very happy that now we joined the rest of the world, and we now have a Facebook page for our Israelis in Rhode...

New logo
We are pleased to introduce you to our new logo. As part of strengthening our efforts, we thought an appropriate logo should be...