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Talia Ringer, Israeli Rhode Islander, received a National Science Foundation award which had 17,000

We are proud to announce that Talia Ringer, daughter of Providence, RI residents and Israeli citizens, Robin & Yoram Ringer, has been awarded a 2016 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) Fellowship.

NSF’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program supports “outstanding student researchers pursuing Master’s and Doctoral degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics who demonstrate the potential to have a significant impact in their fields . This year 2000 awards were made nation-wide, from a pool of 17000 applications. (1) The University of Washington, where Talia is a first year Ph.D. student, boasts the second highest number of fellowship recipients in the nation this year in the “Computer and Information Science and Engineering” category. (2)

Talia attended school at ASDS and graduated from Classical High School in Providence in 2008. She received her Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Maryland in 2012, with a double major in Mathematics and Computer Science. Following graduation, she worked for 3 years as a Software Development Engineer at Amazon in Seattle, Washington. This year Talia began her doctoral studies in Computer Science at the University of Washington Programming Languages and Software Engineering lab. In addition to her studies, research, and work as a Teaching Assistant, Talia has been a mentor at a living and learning community for women studying computer science at the university. This summer she will be interning with a formal methods research group at Amazon in NYC. Having no prior computer education before college, Talia credits her experiences at the University of Maryland with encouraging her to push her boundaries, stating that the breadth of classes she had access to provided her with opportunities she previously had no idea existed. One professor at Maryland commented that Talia “really stood out for her deep intellectual curiosity and drive….and I’m looking forward to more great things in the future from her”. (3) CONGRATULATIONS TALIA!

1, 2. University of Washington, CSE News

3. Professor Jeff Foster, University of Maryland Computer Science Department

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