Salve Regina University RI Forensics Academic Program Benefits From Israeli Technology Partnership w
Read below the official press release and link to the article in the Providence Journal. (Photo Jane Gerety, RSM, president of Salve...

Governor Gina Raimondo lights Hanukah Candles at the State House
On Tuesday, December 27, Governor Gina Raimondo hosted the beautiful annual lighting of the Hanukah candles at the State House, which...
Wishing You a Shana Tova!
Read our Rosh Hashanah newsletter - go to this link.

Congratulations to Danny Warshay who was Named Executive Director of Nelson Center for Entrepreneurs
To read more, see the link. Danny is frequently traveling to Israel. #DannyWarshay #BrownUniversity #telavivuniversity...

Growing fresh vegetables in submarines idea developed by Naval Undersea Warfare Center in Newport, R
לצוללת יש אוכל ל-90 ימים לפחות הרעיון לגדל פירות וירקות בתוך צוללת צמח ב"מרכז הלחימה התת-ימית", מעבדת מחקר ופיתוח בניופורט, רוד איילנד...

RI House passed our anti-BDS legislation 65-4, followed by a unanimous vote in the Senate 31-0
On June 16, The Rhode Island House passed an anti BDS legislation introduced by Democrat Representative Mia Ackerman, an effort supported...

Rhode Island Business Mission to Israel December 2016 Announced
RE: BUSINESS MISSION TO ISRAEL The Rhode Island Business Mission to Israel December 2-9, 2016 was announced at the World Trade Day event,...

I love Israel Contest & Exhibition for Teenagers
I love Israel competition for teenagers Grade 9-12 announced, Please see flyer and please share with others. 1st prize, two round trip...

Nice Israeli Presence During RI 2016 World Trade Day
On Wednesday, May 25, we had nice Israeli presence at the World Trade Day. The Israel booth was manned by Sagit Sade Attia Director of...

Yehuda Yaakov: R.I. and Israel connections pay off - article in the Providence Journal
Yehuda Yaakov Israel Consul General to New England's article in the Providence Journal: R.I. and Israel Connections Pay Off. To see the...