Federal Judge Awards Control of Touro Synagogue Artifiacts
After a bitter dispute, Touro synagogue prevails and will be the sole owner of religious artifacts in the synagogue. To read more see...

Welcome to Rhode Island Roey Tzezana
We are very fortunate that Dr. Roey Tzezana (or, as Israeli's refer to each other, just Roey) moved to Providence, Rhode Island and...

Happy Israeli Independence Day
יום עצמאות שמח! !Happy Israeli Independence Day חוגגים עצמאות יחד! איפה ומתי? ביום חמישי הקרוב, 12 במאי, בטמפל בית-אל, בשעות 6:00 עד...

Passover Greeting we received from Congressman Jim Langevin to Israelis in Rhode Island
Friends – As a Rhode Island Congressman and a longtime friend to Israel, I wish you a joyous Passover with your loved ones, and I hope...

Talia Ringer, Israeli Rhode Islander, received a National Science Foundation award which had 17,000
We are proud to announce that Talia Ringer, daughter of Providence, RI residents and Israeli citizens, Robin & Yoram Ringer, has been...

רוד איילנדר נולד! הקהילה הישראלית גדלה
Congratulations to Rimon family on their new bundle of joy! mom and dad Aya and Ben and brothers Eshel and Gev are happy to welcome...

Elan Cohen born in Israel, living in Rhode Island connecting both
Interview With Elan Cohen 2/17 “My whole life I have been travelling back and forth between Israel and Rhode Island. I think I am most...

Rhode Island born and educated, Dr. Joshua Schiffman collaborates with Israeli researchers to find a
Here is a link to an article in Hebrew published in the NRG newspaper (link) about Dr. Schiffman, Pediatric Oncologist and his...

The 100 most influential people in Israeli hi-tech in 2015
See link to article regarding the 100 most influential people in Israeli hi-tech in 2015. What an amazing bunch of people. No doubt...

Israelis playing football; wonderful program funded by Bob Kraft, heartwarming to all Israelis and P
See article in the Providence Journal to all the Israelis. The Patriots are a New England team and their Foxboro stadium is 25 minutes...