Mission Program Announced
Program for a series of lectures was announced. The program includes speakers who will speak about Israel innovation, economics and a...

Rhode Island Israel Virtual Mission Officially Launched with an Opening Session March 22nd.
Rhode Island Israel Virtual Mission Officially Launched with an Opening Session March 22nd. Official guest speaker Israel Economic...

Rhode Island Virtual Business Trade Mission to Israel, March 2021 info webinar
Date: Wednesday, Dec, 16, 2020 Time: 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM EST Upcoming Virtual Mission to Israel The Chafee Center in partnership with...

Rhode Island Commerce Chafee Center announces virtual trade mission to Israel March 2021
VIRTUAL BUSINESS MISSION TO ISRAEL 2021 Mission Background Israel offers many business opportunities for Rhode Island companies. Israel’s...

Gina M. Raimondo, Governor of Rhode Island, visit to Israel yields Success
Governor Gina Raimondo's visit to Israel with Secretary of Commerce Stefan Pryor, yielded success in signing an agreement of...

U.S. Deputy Ambassador Hosts Rhode Island Delegation
On December 7th U.S. Deputy Ambassador Leslie Tsou, Charge d'Affaires of the United States of America invited the Rhode Island delegation...
Delegation Booklet Published
Delegation booklet has been published. See link.